uffitzi and a great lunch!

today my friend caitlin and i FEASTED at lunch. we really don’t eat out much because even though we do live in italy, we are still college kids… therefore we are on a strict budget. on our way home from our class (in piazza strozzi) we passed by a yummy looking restaurant called casa del vin santo. caitlin got a margherita pizza and i got spaghetti al pomodoro e basilico. the waiter was walking by with a bowl of soup and so i had to order that too! a minestrone, much much much better than the kind from the supermarket.

following the lunch, i had a scare that i lost my credit card. we bolted back to my apartment and of course it was right in one of my purses.

we went to the uffitzi after my card scare, and i probably am going to go back everyday. it was amazing!!!