missing home :(

monday night was the first time i’ve been sick in a long time. i had a fever, chills, sore throat, cough: basically i really, really missed having my mom around to comfort me. luckily, by the time i woke up tuesday i had sweat out my fever. i had two classes but they didn’t start until 1:30 so i was able to sleep in. the next two days were slow and uneventful. all i wanted was some of my dad’s magical homemade chicken soup. here at the grocery store they don’t have a huge selection of soups- very limited. i picked up a minestrone but it really just did not compare. i’ve been loading up on sleep, tea, and cough drops.

i am feeling better as each day passes! definitely looking forward to feeling good for the weekend. my friends and i are planning to explore florence further. we want to get up to the boboli gardens and piazzale michelangelo on friday. the following weekend we are going to milan for fashion week and then the weekend after that we are going on a school trip to cinque terre.

i am starting to feeling homesick, more so than ever before, but i know that i am very lucky to have this opportunity. i am even more lucky to have such a great family at home and i am looking forward to seeing everyone at christmas time.

