micol & luca come to FLO!

This weekend Luca and Micol (my dad’s brother and sister) came to Florence. It was so great to see Micol because she lives in London so I don’t see her super often. You can’t really tell in the photos because of the shirt- but she is have a baby!!! I am so excited. It was also really nice to see her boyfriend Adam who I have only met once before. Luca is here in Italy often for work, but lives near me at home so seeing him naturally made me miss home.

I met him Friday afternoon with my friend Caitlin and he took us to his hotel, Eden Rock with his lawyer that was traveling with him. It was beautiful, just ten minutes outside of downtown FLO. The four of us had a tasty dinner there- prosciutto, salami, and cheeses to start, then salad, roasted potatoes and steak, and then various desserts to finish. It hit the spot.
Then Saturday night, we went to a restaurant called Omero (also just outside of downtown). Joining Luca, his lawyer, Micol, Adam, and myself, was our family friend Alberto. I had a penne pomodoro that was ALMOST as good as my dad’s at home.
It was great to see some family. I am excited for my dad and Nonno to come visit me at the end of the month. I will try to post videos and photos tomorrow from tonight’s Festa della Rificolona!!!
Going to bed! XO

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