trip to conad

conad is the market i have come to like the most. the prices are fair and the produce is fresh. i go usually every two to three days to get fruit and veggies– it varies daily what they have. last time i was there they had the BEST white peaches and nectarines. unfortunately today they didn’t have any. today i got some pears, I’m excited to try them. for breakfast, i usually have a piece of fruit and an egg. i have my meal plan through my school monday-thursday that’s pretty good. i usually get a salad of some sort. dinners for me change depending upon the night. for this week i am planning to make a soup, some green beans and chicken, and some pesto and gluten free gnocchi. i also always make sure to have a few chocolate bars laying around (my favorite is a lindt dark chocolate mint bar), so each time i go to the grocery store i take a differenIMG_2798t one to test out.

this picture above is of the green beans i got today and this photo to the right is my friend addison, who went to conad with me today.

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